Way Ahead In Corrosion Control

Recent projects


SYU platforms anode retrofit

In what was certainly the largest-ever single cathodic protection retrofit, Deepwater Corrosion Services deployed 21,000 Amps of CP using modified RetroBuoy™ sleds to re-establish cathodic protection to three of the deepest offshore platforms in the world.

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Triton FPSO hull retrofit

Deepwater engineers replaced failing hull anodes on the Triton FPSO for an additional 15 years of life. Using the RetroSAM™ suspended anode module – the only proven anode retrofit technology for failing hull CP systems – no subsea intervention was required.

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GoM platform retrofit

When the original CP system depleted, CP potentials began to drop. With the downward trend picked up on the annual survey and a planned life extension, the operator chose Deepwater's RetroLink™ anode system, which requires no subsea intervention.

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Rapid pipeline excavator (PET)

Deepwater's PET™ (Pipeline Excavation Tool) made short work of excavating two locations on large-diameter pipelines buried in the swamps. Eliminating the need for divers or costly traditional excavations, the PET™ is deployed quickly from a barge or roadside.

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Fixed Monitoring Brazil Dock

Deepwater Do Brasil Serviços de Corrosão retrofit the ICCP system and installed a CP monitoring system on the Porto do Açu Maritime Fuel Terminal (TECMA). Annual inspection of the data readings has reduced planned maintenance and dive costs.

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