Project experience
30 Years of cathodic protection, inspection and consulting projects around the world
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BARD Offshore 1 OSS retrofit
Remote impressed current cathodic protection system retrofit to replace spent anodes on a German offshore wind farm OSS platform.
Key project stats
- Platform installed 2010
- Premature anode failure
- 25-year design life
Offshore wind farm
In 2018-9, Deepwater retrofitted the cathodic protection system on 33 wind turbines in a German offshore wind farm.
Key project stats
- Field: 33 tripod turbines
- Install: < 24 hrs / turbine
Dudgeon OWF
In 2016, Deepwater installed remote cathodic protection monitoring on four offshore wind turbine generators
Key project stats
- 4 offshore turbines
- 32 km offshore
Arklow Bank
In June 2005, Deepwater supplied and supervised the installation of seven (7) impressed current anodes on wind turbine monopiles in the Irish Sea.
Key project stats
- 7 x wind turbines
- Water depth: 10 m
- Offshore time: 11 days
LINCS wind farm monitoring
Deepwater installed corrosion monitoring systems on a representative sample of wind turbine generator monopiles in the LINCS wind farm.
Key project stats
- Wind monopiles without internal coating or CP
- Long-term monitoring on sampling of structures
- Corrosion coupons measure wall loss over time
- Electrical resistance system logs data
Gunfleet Sands wind farm anodes
Deepwater extended the lives of 38 monopiles in the Gunfleet Sands wind farm and another monopile in the Lincs wind farm. Anode monitoring systems were installed in six of the Gunfleet Sands structures, as well as the Lincs monopile.
Key project stats
- 38 monopiles retrofitted in Gunfleet Sands
- Monitoring added to 6 Gunfleet Sands monopiles
- Monopile in Lincs gets CP retrofit and monitoring
Sheringham Shoal anode strings
It was discovered that the original sacrificial cathodic protection system wasn't protecting external sections of the pile to the seabed. Deepwater installed RetroLink™ anode strings and a monitoring system to test the efficacy of the retrofit.
Key project stats
- Inadequate CP on external sections of pile
- Retrofit couldn't use divers or welding
- RetroLinks™ attached to custom clamps
- Current monitoring and reference electrodes added