ERWB Jackets
Deepwater installs RetroPods™ and V-Strings™ in the Erawan gas field, Gulf of Thailand

Thirty-six RetroPods™ and two V-String™ monitoring systems installed on two platforms in the Gulf of Thailand
The entire project was completed in 60 hours using a team of saturation divers, and also marks the greatest depth yet at which RetroPods™ have been deployed on a platform.

Installation time: 60 hours
The RetroPods™ were shipped in kit form and assembled dockside by local crews provided by CUEL. Both platforms sit in 200 feet of seawater, making this the deepest RetroPod™ installation yet. When divers checked CP readings after installation, the results confirmed that both structures are well-protected, including areas farthest from the RetroPods™ resting on the seabed.
This confirms the RetroPods’ ability to sufficiently protect structures at greater depths without need for supplemental CP. The minimum pre-retrofit CP reading at -20 feet was -0.950mV; post-retrofit, it was -0.985mV. The minimum pre-retrofit CP reading at -200 feet was -0.959mV; post-retrofit, it was -1.009mV. V-String™ zinc reference electrodes were attached at a depth of 150 feet using RetroClamps™. The leads were run to monitoring devices mounted topside.