Way Ahead In Corrosion Control


Subsea clamp system for retrofitting anodes to pipelines and tubulars


RetroClamp™ can be installed by diver or ROV, with contact tips capable of safely penetrating pipeline coatings.

The RetroClamp™ was originally designed to facilitate ROV attachment of retrofitted cathodic protection anode sleds to offshore pipelines. The first clamps were built and deployed in 2000, and since that time, the clamp has been adapted and improved significantly for strength and versatility. Thousands of RetroClamps™ have been successfully installed by divers and ROVs for a wide variety of applications, including attachment to wellheads, vessels and large-diameter tubular members.

The simple push-and-twist installation means that the clamp is usually installed in minutes; the unique design of the spring-tensioned floating plate ensures that the low-resistance electrical contact is maintained under constant tension. The clamp can be configured with a range of contact tips that allow it to be attached without cleaning or coatings removal in most cases. Even concrete weight coatings can be penetrated, saving a significant amount of time and effort during installation. 




Key Items

3 - 46 in pipe and tubular members
Design life
25 years
Diver or ROV
Contact types
Point (structural), Volcano (Pipeline), CWC piercing, or 5LPP piercing.
CP readout
Connection verification through RetroReader™ (ROV) or CP Gun™ (diver)

Technical Datasheet

RetroClamp TechData LTR.png

Video: RetroClamp™ installation


RetroClamp™ is designed for attachment on subsea tubular members, but we also offer the RetroClamp-Beam™ for attachment to other common structural steel shapes, such as square hollow section, I-Beam, beam flanges and plate edges.

Click the link for more information:

Two beam clamps 628 X 471

Many applications


Anode connection

Connect sacrificial anode sleds to offshore pipelines, platforms and subsea equipment.


CP test stations

A modified RetroClamp™ can be used to anchor a CP test station on a buried or unburied subsea pipeline.


Subsea cable runs

Retrofit cable-support system for risers, J-Tubes, or tubular members.


Fixed monitoring

Mount for retrofitted monitoring instruments, data loggers and acoustic relay devices to transmit topside.

Versatile design for multiple uses


RetroClamp™ used as a jumper

It can provide continuity to electrically isolated areas.


Another RetroClamp™ jumper

RetroClamp releasable

Releasable RetroClamp™

This version can be removed and reinstalled.

Sample project experience



Pipeline jumper retrofit and CP test points

Project review bulletin 9030

Tabu, Guntong, Semangkok

Pipeline retrofit campaign in Malaysia

Project review bulletin 9011

Brent Pipeline

Retrofit of the Brent with RetroMat anode system

Project review bulletin 27

RetroClamp Gallery

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