24 inch methanol pipeline
Deepwater installs RetroMats™ on the Atlantic Methanol Pipeline in Equatorial Guinea
Deepwater installs RetroMats™ on methanol pipeline in Equatorial Guinea
Deepwater Corrosion Services Inc., USA, in conjunction with Alduco Engineering Services, Malabo, successfully designed and installed 20-year Cathodic Protection (CP) retrofit systems for Atlantic Methanol Pipeline Company (AMPCO), Equatorial Guinea subsea facilities in the Gulf of Guinea on the Western African coast. This retrofit will protect a 2km 24” methanol pipeline and its PLEM, and two each of seawater intake and outfall protective frames using Deepwater’s RetroMat™ sacrificial retrofits of various sizes. Deepwater’s RetroMat™ sacrificial CP system comprises a concrete ballast mat with integral aluminum (Al-Zn-In) anodes. Each system is designed uniquely to satisfy both CP current and alloy mass requirements for each facility on a 20-year life extension. The least negative CP potential observed was 1025mV vs Ag/AgCl reference electrode, which was recorded immediately before installation.

Installation time: 3 days
The assembling and installation of the systems were accomplished within three (3) days in water depths ranging from 6m – 30m. All assembly activities were carried out onsite with the local workforce using locally available materials and equipment, which ensured the local content quota was satisfied. Deepwater’s representative worked extended hours to ensure the project was accomplished in a minimum amount of time, which helped further reduce installation costs for the client.