Kitchen Lights
Deepwater designs and builds an ICCP anode system for a new platform jacket in Alaska

An impressed-current cathodic protection system for a new monopod platform in Alaska
As part of a lead-in project, Deepwater designed an Impressed Current Cathodic Protection (ICCP) system for the Kitchen Lights 3 platform. Due to the hydrographic conditions in Cook Inlet, previous methods for placement of the Mixed Metal Oxide (MMO) anodes could not be used. Deepwater developed a "cage" frame that wrapped around the undersea structural members of the platform. This RapAround™ held the MMO anode in close proximity to the platform as well as protecting it from the environment. The MMO anodes were energized by three transformer rectifiers located topside. Cable routing was through the center pile. Installation of the RapArounds™ was accomplished in a shipyard prior to transport of the platform to Cook Inlet. Final installation of the system and commissioning was completed with the platform on site in Alaska at its production location. Upon energizing, the system was confirmed to provide cathodic protection within one day of startup.