Bulkhead CP system – Montego Bay
SACP and ICCP systems to protect dock
Deepwater Corrosion was contracted to design and retrofit a long-term cathodic protection system for both the landside and waterside portions of the existing king piles and sheet piling associated with Berth 1 in Montego Bay, Jamaica.
The waterside sacrificial anode cathodic protection (SACP) system consists of twenty four Al-Zn-In Retrolink anode assemblies spaced around each wall of the bulkhead. The landside impressed-current cathodic protection (ICCP) system consists of an explosion-proof rectifier which energizes three anode wells strategically located within Berth #1. Each anode well consists of four mixed-metal oxide tubular anodes installed in an 8” dia. x 40’ deep anode well.
After commissioning, the waterside portion of the bulkhead was achieving adequate levels of cathodic protection and the landside CP system was operating as designed, but was taking a while longer to achieve full CP polarization.