RetroLinks™ installed on multiple assets
Chevron needed CP retrofits on smaller Gulf of Mexico structures

Five RetroLinks™ were installed on the structures
Deepwater Corrosion Services, Inc. was contracted by Chevron Corporation to supply and install Cathodic Protection (CP) systems for oil & gas assets in various fields in the Gulf of Mexico. These fields are comprised of individual wellhead platforms, gas lift manifolds and main area production platforms.
Individual wellhead platform cathodic protection potentials were measured, including originating and terminating pipeline risers. Electrical isolation between wellhead and originating riser and between platform and terminating riser were confirmed. RetroLink™ cathodic protection products and continuity jumpers were installed and CP potentials were measured after installation.
A total of 5 RetroLinks™ were installed on platforms, wellheads, and pipeline risers for various assets for Stone Energy. On average, the wellheads retrofitted with RetroLinks™ registered a 100mV electronegative shift within the first hour; other wellhead locations will require additional time to complete polarization. The wellhead and pipeline assets retrofitted in the Ship Shoal field will require a minimum of 90 days to achieve a moderate level of cathodic protection. It was recommended that all assets have annual cathodic protection (CP) surveys.