Way Ahead In Corrosion Control

Landry’s Pleasure Pier retrofit

RetroLinks™ were used to protect the pier’s 47 steel columns


The Galveston Island Historic Pleasure Pier is an amusement park built on pilings over the waters of the Gulf of Mexico.

It features a roller coaster, rides, carnival games and shops.

Deepwater supplied the RetroLink™ system accompanied by RetroClamp™ subsea clamps to provide CP to the forty-seven steel columns supporting the pier. Depending on the water depth and current demand, some RetroLinks™ were installed with anodes suspended in the water column while others were installed along the seabed and jetted under the mud line.

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Each day during the project, subsea clamps were loaded onto a small boat that was utilized for this project along with divers. The vessel then departed the Galveston Yacht Basin each morning to the project site where the RetroLinks™ were stored below the pier for ease of deployment. Prior to any installation, the divers had to clean an 8-inch wide band of marine growth on the members where the subsea clamp would hang, which at times had become 6 inches thick. Once this was complete, the diver would utilize Deepwater’s Polatrak® CP Gun™ probe to take CP readings of the existing members. The divers would then deploy the subsea clamp into location using appropriate rigging. Once the clamp was in place, the diver installed the U-bolt and tightened in place to ensure the clamp is secure against the member. Then the contact screw was tightened until there was a separation in the floating plate of approximately 1/4 inch.The RetroLink™ was then towed out from the beach below the pier to the installation location. Once in position, the RetroLink™ was connected to the subsea clamp and laid on bottom. The CP Gun was then utilized again to ensure continuity was made between the clamp and the member. Continuity means the CP between the subsea clamp and the steel pile could not be more than a 10mV difference. Once this criterion was met, the CP measurement was then recorded as the post-installation reading.

All forty-seven (47) steel piles were successfully retrofit.


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