Deepwater exhibits at AMPP 2024
March 7, 2024

Deepwater exhibits at AMPP 2024
The 2024 AMPP Annual Conference + Expo in New Orleans is winding down now – with most of the exhibitors’ wares and booth displays dismantled and loaded onto trucks – and Deepwater is already pronouncing it a rousing success.
Some of the show’s highlights:
- To our delight, a vast stream of friends – old and new – along with vendors, former colleagues, classmates and assorted characters visited Deepwater’s booth during the show.
- Deepwater’s Yuxi Duan presented a case study of a dock project that utilizes both hybrid ICCP and sacrificial anodes. The consensus on his presentation has been that he knocked it out of the park.
- Deepwater’s Pipeline Excavation Tool (P.E.T.) claimed a spot on our booth and acquitted itself quite well, ginning up interest from a number of people looking for a safe, cost-effective method of uncovering buried pipelines in shallow water.
- The heavens opened up and released a downpour powerful enough to breach the convention center’s roof system and flood rows of exhibits just minutes before Monday’s grand opening. Deepwater’s display was spared major damage, but we were walking on squishy carpet in our booth for the entire show. Other exhibitors weren’t so fortunate and had to be relocated to alternate locations.
- Despite the delayed opening, a New Orleans brass band was hired to briefly march through the soggy show to add some local flavor. Unfortunately, it was kind of overshadowed by the sudden flooding event.
- Conference-goers were treated to some grand weather after the showers departed. Bourbon Street and its environs provided everyone with double shot of New Orleans diversions at night that helped to lubricate plenty of wheeling, dealing and team-building amongst the attendees.
Our thanks to New Orleans and AMPP for a fine time and a great show. We’ll now start thinking about replicating it in Nashville in 2025. See you there!