Sepakat Deepwater rubbish cleanup
July 17, 2023

Sepakat Deepwater cleans up more rubbish
In their never-ending quest to rid the world of corrosion and rubbish, Sepakat Deepwater tackles cleaning up another trash-strewn area.
The Sepakat Deepwater team in Brunei noticed that the area around a large tree in an otherwise open field (TG27) near the Panaga Health Centre had become covered in rubbish, so their contract manager targeted it as a cleanup project as part of the team’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). It’s an initiative that promotes practicing a sustainable lifestyle and making ongoing contributions to the team’s environmental obligations.
On 18th May 2023, thirteen participants from Sepakat Deepwater participated in ridding the 200-meter area of accumulated rubbish consisting mostly of plastic in the form of bottles, chairs and containers, all mixed with soda cans and other detritus. Eleven bags of rubbish were removed from the area. Once gathered, the rubbish pile was separated into a pile for plastics and another for general waste and then deposited into the appropriate bins in back of the office. It was later hauled off by a waste collector approved by JASTRe (The Department of Environment, Parks and Recreation).