Deepwater has developed unique survey equipment and techniques for subsea inspection that guarantee accurate results.
Deepwater is a pioneer of true underwater cathodic-protection surveys and has been heavily involved in Level II, III and IV surveys since 1990. We have developed a number of survey techniques that provide a true representation of existing conditions from which we can accurately estimate the remaining life of platform and/or pipeline cathodic-protection systems. We offer services for all aspects of underwater inspections, including engineered-node selection per BSEE requirements, data recording and reporting.
Inspections performed
Non-destructive testing performed by divers or ROV, including magnetic particle survey and U- thickness survey.
Riser Survey
Riser survey includes visual inspection, monitoring of CP readings and continuity testing.
Anode Inspection
Selected anodes at key areas are selected and inspected visually for depletion percentage. CP readings can be taken to determine anode output and expected remaining life.
CP Survey
CP potential survey on platforms, risers and pipelines; contact measurements and proximity survey.
Subsea Elements
Deepwater subsea survey covers all of the standard inspection components: • Structural damage survey • Bottom survey • Debris survey • Sump pile / intake survey • Flooded-member detection survey • Close visual weld inspection • Conductor survey
Online report delivery
Deepwater's ARMS system delivers reports online to customers and keeps historical files organized and quickly available from our library.
Specific report results are input into the database for queries into individual assets or types of issues reported, An asset-integrity manager can quickly find where s/he has problems reported across an entire fleet of assets.
Asset management
ARMS (Asset Reporting and Maintenance System) also has an asset management section, which allows asset owners to keep all relevant documentation and other files of interest in one place.
Store AS-BUILT drawings, asset data, overview photographs, inspection procedures online and accessible to anyone set up with access and a user account. Customers can control access for all of their employees.
Level II, III and IV survey details
Deepwater subsea survey covers all of the standard inspection components:
• Structural damage survey
• Bottom survey
• Debris survey
• Sump pile / intake survey
• Flooded-member detection survey
• Close visual weld inspection
• Conductor survey
CP survey: CP potential survey on platforms, risers and pipelines; contact measurements and proximity survey.
Anode inspection: Selected anodes at key areas are selected and inspected visually for depletion percentage. CP readings can be taken to determine anode output and expected remaining life.
Riser survey: includes visual inspection, monitoring of CP readings and continuity testing.
NDT: Non-destructive testing performed by divers or ROV, including magnetic particle survey and U-thickness survey.
Deepwater inspection planning and work-scope development meets the needs of our clients while also preserving the API RP-2A requirements. We also perform in-depth CP surveys for deep-water fields and pipelines.