South Pass 62-C
Two RetroBuoy™ systems replace spent anodes on a 330 ft platform in the Gulf of Mexico

Deepwater installs 2 RetroBuoy™ systems on Gulf of Mexico platform
Deepwater Corrosion Services, Inc. recently retrofitted an eight-leg, fixed steel jacket in the Gulf of Mexico with two RetroBuoy™ impressed-current cathodic-protection (ICCP) sleds. Sitting in about 330 feet of seawater, the platform’s CP life will be extended by 20 years. Each RetroBuoy™ system comprises:
• One RetroBuoy™ sled
• One Transformer-Rectifier (TR) power unit, which is installed topside
• One power cable between the RetroBuoy™ and TR

Installation time: 30 hours
The RetroBuoys™ and their cables (terminated dockside in Carlyss, LA) were loaded onto the back deck of the dive support vessel and taken to the platform. Using saturation divers, the RetroBuoys™ were installed on the seabed about 175 feet south of the base of the jacket.
The subsea cables were slowly unreeled and landed on the seabed in a figure-8 near the jacket base. The platfom had a J-Tube available to pull the cables for both RetroBuoys™ through the splash zone.
Both RetroBuoys™ and cables were installed subsea in less than 30 hours.