LAF-1 & 2 Platforms
Single float Retrobuoy systems installed in the Gulf of Guinea.

Deepwater installed a hybrid cathodic protection system to protect an aging African structure
Deepwater Corrosion Services Inc., USA, in conjunction with Alduco Engineering Services, Malabo, successfully designed and installed a 20-year Impressed Current Cathodic Protection (ICCP) retrofit system for CMS NOMECO (Perenco) Congo on two of their offshore jackets in 110m of seawater located in the Gulf of Guinea on the West African coast.

Installation time: 100 hours
The complete assembly and installation of the systems was accomplished onboard the barge within minutes, as it comes partially assembled in a box.
This was a hybrid retrofit solution using sacrificial and impressed-current cathodic protection at the same time. Sacrificial protection for the upper section of the jackets was carried out by the client while Deepwater designed the ICCP system to provide CP for the lower section and augment the upper section. Only a 32mV vs. Ag/AgCl reference was needed to achieve the desired potential
The installation was achieved using an ROV. Deployment was seamlessly easy, as the cable routed quickly.
The advantages of this product include its ease of assembly, its good percentage of local content and the fact that it is ROV friendly. It can be shipped boxed, so the client/purchaser can more easily assemble and install it using the instructions provided.