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CP jumper system installed on pipeline

Jumper system provides a CP bridge across an insulation joint.

3413 East clamp4

A RetroClamp™ was installed on each side of an insulation joint

This Cathodic Protection jumper system provides a CP bridge across the insulation joint installed on the 12” Cobia pipeline extension in the MP-290 field near the mouth of the Mississippi River. The jumper consists of a single RetroClamp™ installed on each side of the insulator flange. RetroClamps™ connected by a pair of 4/0 cables are used to provide electrical continuity across the flange.

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3413 East clamp

East clamp

3413 west clamp2

West clamp

Before the subsea installation, a pre-retrofit CP survey was taken on the east and west sides of the isolation flange using a Polatrak ROV II probe.After the conclusion of the pre-retrofit survey, the ROV was deployed with the RetroClamps™ attached to the ROV cage. Once the ROV was in position, the clamps were then removed from the ROV cage and installed on each side of the pipeline isolation flange.The RetroClamps™ were installed, and post-retrofit potentials were taken on each RetroClamp™ and the adjacent pipeline using a Polatrak ROV II contact probe to confirm electrical continuity.

3413 flange
3413 rov
3413 East clamp2
3413 flange2
3413 rov2
3413 probe
3413 sunset
3413 west clamp

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