Inspection and survey
Cathodic protection survey

Survey planning
Deepwater's cathodic protection specialists provide site-survey planning, inspection procedures and recommendation.

Our technicians mobilize anywhere to record all CP and visual survey data using Deepwater's own survey instruments and software.

After the inspection report is completed, our corrosion experts make assessments and recommendations for continued service operation.
Inspections offered

Topside inspection
Deepwater has been performing Level I platform inspections since 1986. The Level I inspection includes visual corrosion inspection of all asset elements and a cathodic protection survey by drop cell of each leg every 25’ down to the seafloor.

Underwater platform inspection
Underwater corrosion and visual / structural inspection for platforms (Levels II, II and IV). Deepwater has developed unique survey equipment and techniques for subsea inspection that guarantee accurate results.

Subsea pipeline survey
Sub sea cathodic protection survey (CP survey) conducted using ROV reports the condition of offshore pipeline cathodic protection systems.

Subsea production survey
Deepwater survey crews can survey entire subsea fields and deliver rapid, accurate survey results via our online reporting database.