Way Ahead In Corrosion Control

Hull anodes

Bolted and welded sacrificial anodes for hulls


Deepwater’s aluminum and zinc hull anodes can be cast to suit any type of hull conditions

Deepwater's aluminum (Al) and zinc (Zn) sacrificial hull anodes can be manufactured in a wide variety of configurations, either to be welded or bolted on. All "standard" configurations are shown below. In addition to these, Deepwater can cast anodes to any size or chemical composition specifications required. Please contact us for advice on optimizing an anode to suit your specific requirements.





Anode type Al / Zn Gross weight (kg) Net weight (kg) L1 (mm) L2 (mm) W (mm) T (mm) D (mm)
A3.5HB Al 3.6 3.5 160 300 150 32 26
A5.0HB Al 5.2 5 160 300 150 50 26
A6.5HB Al 6.7 6.5 160 300 150 60 26
A7.0HB Al 7.2 7 230 450 120 50 16
A12.5HB Al 12.8 12.5 160 300 150 115 26
Z10.0HB Zn 10.2 10 160 300 150 32 26
Z15.2HB Zn 15.4 15.2 160 300 150 50 26
Z18.7HB Zn 19.0 18.7 160 300 150 60 26
Z18.4HB Zn 18.6 18.4 230 450 120 50 16
Z35.9HB Zn 36.3 35.9 160 300 150 115 26



Anode type Al / Zn Gross weight (kg) Net weight (kg) L (mm) W (mm) T (mm) D (mm)
A1.0H1 Al 1.2 1.0 150 58 45 300
A2.0H1 Al 2.2 2.0 200 100 40 350
A5.0H1 Al 5.5 5.0 300 150 50 450
A12.0H1 Al 12.5 12.0 530 130 66 680
A14.0H1 Al 14.6 14.0 610 135 70 760
Z1.0H1 Zn 1.3 1.0 238 32 23 388
Z3.0H1 Zn 3.1 3.0 160 85 33 310
Z9.5H1 Zn 9.7 9.5 355 85 45 505
Z15.0H1 Zn 16.0 15.0 450 155 31 600
Z30.0H1 Zn 31.4 30.0 200 100 40 350

Electrochemical / Physical properties

Alloy type Deep 7 Deep 10
Open circuit potential (-) 1.08 V vs Ag/AgCl sw. (-) 1.08 V vs Ag/AgCl sw.
Closed circuit potential(1) (-) 1.05 V vs Ag/AgCl sw, (-) 1.05 V vs Ag/AgCl sw,
Seawater capacity @25C 1100 A-Hr/lb. (2420 A-Hr/Kg.) 1100 A-Hr/lb. (2420 A-Hr/Kg.)
Seawater capacity @ 5C 1100 A-Hr/lb. (2420 A-Hr/Kg.) Variable (2)
Seabed mud capacity (3) 950 A-Hr/lb (2090 A-hr/Kg.) 950 A-Hr/lb (2090 A-hr/Kg.)
Seabed mud capacity @ 5C 950 A-Hr/lb (2090 A-hr/Kg.) Variable (2)
Alloy density 0.098 lb/in3 (2.71 gm/cm3) 0.098 lb/in3 (2.71 gm/cm3)
Cost ratio Low Iron (Fe) Aluminum
            (Al) Ingot < 0.05 Fe
Normal Grade Al Sows
Raw material and conversion 1.10 1.00
Recommended environment Any ocean. any depth. any temperature. Any tropical ocean < 600 fsw (180 Msw) with mean water temperature higher than 45 F (7C).
Deep 7 Deep 10
Iron (Fe) 0.07 max Iron (Fe) 0.10 max
Silicon (Si) 0.10 max Silicon (Si) 0.10 max
Copper (Cu) 0.003 max Copper (Cu) 0.006 max
Zinc (Zn) 4.75 - 5.25 Zinc (Zn) 3.00 - 6.00
Indium (In) 0.015 - 0.025 Indium (In) 0.010 - 0.020
Titanium (Ti) 0.025 max Titanium (Ti) 0.025 max
Cadmium (Cd) Part of others Cadmium (Cd) Part of others
Others (each) 0.02 max Others (each) 0.02 max
Aluminum (Al) Remainder Aluminum (Al) Remainder


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