Eugene Island 295-A
Deepwater replaces spent platform anodes with subsea anode strings in the Gulf of Mexico

Retrolinks™ are used to extend cathodic protection on a NEXEN platform in the Gulf of Mexico
In July 2012, Deepwater Corrosion Services was contracted by Phoenix to extend the life of the cathodic protection (CP) system on the Nexen-operated platform EI-295-AD using Deepwater’s proprietary subsea RetroLink™ sacrificial anode system. EI-295-AD is located in 220 feet of seawater in the Gulf of Mexico near the Louisiana coast.

Installation time: 60 hours
All objectives were achieved for the CP retrofit of EI-295-AD; 24 anode strings (using 12 subsea clamps) were successfully installed. The areas of the platform that were not cathodically protected currently have adequate CP, but may continue to polarize. Post-installation CP readings were taken by a Deepwater technician from the platform using a drop-cell (silver/silver-chloride reference electrode) and the minimum CP potential recorded was (-)0.904mV.