Way Ahead In Corrosion Control

RetroSled installed on subsea pipeline

6" pipeline in the Gulf of Mexico

Platform wide

RetroClamp™ used to electrically connect the RetroSled™ to the 6” pipeline

Deepwater Corrosion Services was contracted to provide a RetroSled™ anode sled and a RetroClamp™ to provide CP for a 6” subsea pipeline, which was located 6,000 feet from the Renaissance platform MP 76 (shown in photo) in the Gulf of Mexico.

After a midnight mobilization, the pipeline was located and CP readings were taken before installation began.

The RetroSled™ was lowered into position using a crane, and the RetroClamp™ – with cables already attached to the sled – was installed on the pipeline.

CP readings were taken to confirm that the RetroSled™ and pipeline were electrically connected.

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Sled deck
Crane 3
Crane 4
Crane 2

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