The MA-1 provides valuable data about anode performance and remaining life.
Monitored anodes in a few critical locations on a structure can track anode performance and consumption. The MA-1 can be hard-wired to the surface or connected to a Sunstation subsea readout.
By logging the total number of ampere-hours delivered by the anode, the MA-1 can accurately predict how much longer an anode system will perform. The system has been applied to all galvanic anode types, including platform anodes, flush-mount anodes and onshore and offshore pipeline bracelets.


Wiring options
Polatrak fixed monitoring components can be wired to the surface and monitored through a dedicated panel, or they can wire into the SCADA system.

Monitor critical areas
This MA-1 is mounted at a critical diagonal member inside the jacket.

Pipeline bracelet
The MA-1 monitor can be applied to a pipeline bracelet as well as a traditional platform anode.

Monitoring panels
Dedicated monitoring panels are built to customer specifications.