Way Ahead In Corrosion Control


Aluminum anode sled for pipelines


RetroSled™ allows operators to replace cathodic protection anodes on aging pipelines

The RetroSled™ is an aluminum anode sled designed for offshore pipeline life-extension projects. It's lowered onto the sea floor via crane and connected electrically to the pipeline with one or two RetroClamps.

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Offshore pipelines and risers

In shallow-water situations, a diver can quickly attach RetroClamps™ to a pipeline. Buried pipelines must be partially excavated. For deep-water applications, the ROV can install RetroClamps™ using an alternative fishtail handle.

The expanding sled is deployed closed and is opened via crane or ROV once on the seabed. It uses the same clamps for attachment as the rigid RetroSled™.

When a riser is electrically isolated from the rest of the platform, a RetroSled™ lead can be clamped to the desired section of the riser to provide protection.

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Connected with RetroClamp™

RetroClamp with leads

Two armored cables connect the RetroSled™ to the RetroClamp™ mounted on the pipeline it will protect.


The RetroClamp™ is patented technology, developed at Deepwater and not available anywhere else.


The clamp is diver and ROV-friendly.


The contact tip of the clamp that creates electrical contact with the pipeline can be fitted with a soft drill bit, allowing it to penetrate concrete weight coats.


The floating plate on top of the clamp ensures a strong and constant connection that will not damage the pipe.


Only one-third of a buried pipeline must be visible for a diver to install a RetroClamp™.

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