TankGard™, the only system of its kind, is able to provide reliable CP for up to 10 years.
The TankGard™ impressed-current tank cathodic protection system was developed by Deepwater in the mid-1980s specifically to address harsh-environment upstream-process tanks and vessels. The systems were pioneered in the San Joaquin Valley oilfields of California, where produced water is hot and sour and systems have a high tendency for scaling and sludging. Deepwater installed several prototype systems to evaluate all combinations of anodes and reference electrodes. The result is a reliable, low-cost system that has a proven 10-year design life.

Green Head™ anodes
The Green Head™ is an improved sacrificial anode deployment method for heater treaters, and it provides many benefits.

Flangemate™ ICCP
A CP system for the tank's internal surface with potential monitoring via reference electrodes.

The HP-1Z™ & RT-1Z™ provide monitoring and/or control of internal cathodic protection systems for tanks.

RT-1Z™ provides enhanced monitoring of cathodic protection for water storage and process tanks.

TankLink™ are easily deployed and retrieved anode strings with 3 or 5 anodes to cathodically protect tanks.

Fire tube scanning
The Green Head™ anode, combined with Elite Energy's proprietary Fire Tube Scan is the most comprehensive protection available for your heater treaters.
Key design points
Many applications
TankGard™ systems have been used to successfully protect the following: produced water vessels, water tanks, separators, heater treaters, surge tanks, flotation cells, chemelec vessels and potable water tanks, among others.
Proven design for harsh conditions
TankGard™ is a very well-established product with a long history of success. This proves especially valuable when retrofitting tank cathodic protection in oilfield brines with high H2S and CO2 with temperatures up to 200°F.
The cathodic-protection rectifier is controlled by the potential measurement taken in real time, so the amount of protection is always automatically adjusted to the correct level.
Monitoring and control
HP-1Z™ & RT-1Z™ are reference electrodes designed to allow positive monitoring and/or control of internal cathodic-protection systems for tanks and pressure vessels. This is not available on other tank cathodic-protection systems.
Asset types

Heater treaters
Increase the lives of heater treater systems and decrease their operating costs with TankGard™.

Process tanks
The HP-1Z™ & RT-1Z™ provide monitoring and/or control of internal cathodic protection systems for tanks.

Produced water tanks
TankGard™ enables positive monitoring and/or control of internal cathodic-protection systems for storage tanks.